Results and discussionsļ
A warning: Preliminary results
Only preliminary results can be shown in this manuscript. Indeed, with a focus on the method and the code, in the first round of analysis and writing this manuscritp, tricky cases were put aside for later, including input event files requiring increased inspection to correctly calibrate, transitions with very low statistics or high contamination from other \(\gamma\) rays, ā¦
Actually, the preliminary nature of the results, is a good opportunity to discuss the merits and disadvantages of the method and possible improvements.
With more work and fine tuning, some other \(\gamma\) rays can be exploited (at least one inelastic and two \((\text{n},~2\text{n})\) transitions). Present results can also be improved (as you will see later).
However, overall, if the current results had to be published as final today, I would not be embarrassed by then and stand by their value (even if I know they can be slightly better).