Experimental (n, n’ \(\gamma\)) and (n, 2n \(\gamma\)) cross sections

Here we give the raw values from the analysis.

Talys structures

For reference, and to clarify the labelling of the transitions, here are the level scheme considered by Talys in the calculations:


Listing 12 10 levels in the 182W level scheme used by Talys (excerpt from the Talys output).
 Discrete levels of Z= 74 N=108 (182W ) 

 Number  Energy Spin Parity  Branching Ratio (%) Lifetime(sec) Assignment        ENSDF

   0     0.0000  0.0   +                                                             0+
   1     0.1001  2.0   +                                                             2+
                               --->  0  100.0000                   
   2     0.3294  4.0   +                                                             4+
                               --->  1  100.0000                   
   3     0.6804  6.0   +                                                             6+
                               --->  2  100.0000                   
   4     1.1358  0.0   +                                                             0+
                               --->  1  100.0000                   
   5     1.1443  8.0   +                                                             8+
                               --->  3  100.0000                   
   6     1.2214  2.0   +                                                             2+
                               --->  2    0.0921                   
                               --->  1   56.3688                   
                               --->  0   43.5391                   
   7     1.2574  2.0   +                                                             2+
                               --->  4    0.2463                   
                               --->  2   22.1486                   
                               --->  1   23.0585                   
                               --->  0   54.5466                   
   8     1.2891  2.0   -                                                             2-
                               --->  7    3.1799                   
                               --->  6   71.4681                   
                               --->  2    0.4897                   
                               --->  1   22.9394                   
                               --->  0    1.9229                   
   9     1.3311  3.0   +                                                             3+
                               --->  2   15.2400                   
                               --->  1   84.7600                   
  10     1.3738  3.0   -                                                             3-
                               --->  9    1.3960                   
                               --->  8   69.5906                   
                               --->  7    1.6850                   
                               --->  6   23.9202                   
                               --->  2    0.7282                   
                               --->  1    2.0030                   
                               --->  0    0.6769                   


Listing 13 15 first levels in the 183W level scheme used by Talys (excerpt from the Talys output).
 Discrete levels of Z= 74 N=109 (183W ) 

 Number  Energy Spin Parity  Branching Ratio (%) Lifetime(sec) Assignment        ENSDF

   0     0.0000  0.5   -                                                           1/2-
   1     0.0465  1.5   -                                                           3/2-
                               --->  0  100.0000                   
   2     0.0991  2.5   -                                                           5/2-
                               --->  1   54.4400                   
                               --->  0   45.5600                   
   3     0.2070  3.5   -                                                           7/2-
                               --->  2   91.4500                   
                               --->  1    8.5500                   
   4     0.2088  1.5   -                                                           3/2-
                               --->  2   19.9000                   
                               --->  1   73.4800                   
                               --->  0    6.6200                   
   5     0.2917  2.5   -                                                           5/2-
                               --->  4   17.7804                   
                               --->  3   56.8111                   
                               --->  2    2.6731                   
                               --->  1    2.7451                   
                               --->  0   19.9904                   
   6     0.3089  4.5   -                                                           9/2-
                               --->  3   23.2200                   
                               --->  2   76.7800                   
   7     0.3608  5.5   +                           5.200E+00                      11/2+
                               --->  3  100.0000                   
   8     0.4121  3.5   -                                                           7/2-
                               --->  6   17.9696                   
                               --->  5    2.6559                   
                               --->  4    6.0519                   
                               --->  3   17.6296                   
                               --->  2   48.9890                   
                               --->  1    6.7039                   
   9     0.4531  3.5   -                                                           7/2-
                               --->  8    6.3370                   
                               --->  6    7.1260                   
                               --->  5   21.3000                   
                               --->  4   10.5500                   
                               --->  3   40.4500                   
                               --->  2   13.6500                   
                               --->  1    0.5870                   
  10     0.4754  5.5   -                                                          11/2-
                               --->  6   58.1000                   
                               --->  3   41.9000                   
  11     0.4870  6.5   +                                                        (13/2)+
                               ---> 10  100.0000                  B
  12     0.5330  1.5   +                                           J          (1/2,3/2)
                               --->  2   50.0000                  B
                               --->  0   50.0000                  B
  13     0.5511  4.5   -                                                         (9/2)-
                               --->  5   49.4200                   
                               --->  3   27.2200                   
                               --->  2   23.3600                   
  14     0.5953  4.5   -                                                         (9/2)-
                               --->  9   98.7261                   
                               --->  6    1.2739                   
  15     0.6228  4.5   +                                                           9/2+
                               --->  7  100.0000                   

Inelastic reactions

Following are the results of the transitions studied in the inelastic channel.

209 keV

Listing 14 Raw result file for the experimental cross section for the 209.9 keV \(\gamma\) ray in the \((\text{n},~\text{n}')\) reaction on 183W. As shown in Figure 48.
# title: 183W(n, n' gamma[209.8 keV - 183L06L02])
# date: '2024-03-18'
# author: Greg Henning
# reaction:
#   proj: N
#   target: 74-W-183
#   code: 74-W-183(N, INL)74-W-183,PAR,SIG,G
# transition:
#   emitter: 183W 
#   gamma energy: 209.8
#   energy unit: keV
#   label: 183L06L02
#   threshold energy: 308.0
#   icc: 2.620E-01
#   initial level:
#     excitation energy: 308.9
#     spin parity: 9/2 -
#   final level:
#     excitation energy: 99.1
#     spin parity: 5/2 -
# columns:
# - title: Neutron energy window, middle of range
#   unit: keV
# - title: gamma cross section
#   unit: barns
# - title: neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: cross section parameter uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section intrinsic uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section total combined uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# number of lines: 17
      550.00      0.01553       300.00          1.5       800.00          6.5      0.00232      0.01031      0.01057
      900.00      0.04959       800.00          6.5      1000.00          9.1      0.00833      0.01968      0.02137
     1250.00      0.06753      1000.00          9.1      1500.00         16.8      0.00832      0.01533      0.01744
     1750.00      0.08699      1500.00         16.8      2000.00         25.8      0.00963      0.01902      0.02132
     2250.00      0.10214      2000.00         25.8      2500.00         36.1      0.01455      0.02068      0.02529
     2750.00      0.11510      2500.00         36.1      3000.00         47.4      0.01664      0.02963      0.03398
     3250.00      0.13339      3000.00         47.4      3500.00         59.8      0.01698      0.02752      0.03234
     3750.00      0.13841      3500.00         59.8      4000.00         73.0      0.02237      0.03592      0.04232
     4250.00      0.14762      4000.00         73.0      4500.00         87.1      0.01694      0.05019      0.05297
     4750.00      0.15275      4500.00         87.1      5000.00        102.1      0.02132      0.07984      0.08264
     5500.00      0.16376      5000.00        102.1      6000.00        134.2      0.01904      0.06222      0.06507
     6500.00      0.15560      6000.00        134.2      7000.00        169.1      0.02016      0.04888      0.05287
     7500.00      0.12720      7000.00        169.1      8000.00        206.6      0.01439      0.05432      0.05619
     8500.00      0.08978      8000.00        206.6      9000.00        246.5      0.01597      0.06070      0.06277
    10500.00      0.05771      9000.00        246.5     12000.00        379.5      0.01807      0.05623      0.05906
    14000.00      0.03762     12000.00        379.5     16000.00        584.2      0.00613      0.09883      0.09902
    20500.00      0.02702     16000.00        584.2     25000.00       1141.1      0.00826      0.09485      0.09521
# end of file: True

259 keV

Listing 15 Raw result file for the experimental cross section for the 259.5 keV \(\gamma\) ray in the \((\text{n},~\text{n}')\) reaction on 183W. As shown in Figure 50.
# title: 183W(n, n' gamma[259.48 keV - 183L13L05])
# date: '2024-03-18'
# author: Greg Henning
# reaction:
#   proj: N
#   target: 74-W-183
#   code: 74-W-183(N, INL)74-W-183,PAR,SIG,G
# transition:
#   emitter: 183W 
#   gamma energy: 259.48
#   energy unit: keV
#   label: 183L13L05
#   threshold energy: 551.2
#   icc: 1.325E-01
#   initial level:
#     excitation energy: 551.2
#     spin parity: 9/2 -
#   final level:
#     excitation energy: 291.7
#     spin parity: 5/2 -
# columns:
# - title: Neutron energy window, middle of range
#   unit: keV
# - title: gamma cross section
#   unit: barns
# - title: neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: cross section parameter uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section intrinsic uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section total combined uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# number of lines: 12
      650.00      0.00153       500.00          3.2       800.00          6.5      0.00127      0.00076      0.00148
      900.00      0.00735       800.00          6.5      1000.00          9.1      0.00262      0.00131      0.00293
     1250.00      0.01151      1000.00          9.1      1500.00         16.8      0.00144      0.00090      0.00170
     1750.00      0.01581      1500.00         16.8      2000.00         25.8      0.00179      0.00131      0.00222
     2250.00      0.01592      2000.00         25.8      2500.00         36.1      0.00199      0.00162      0.00257
     2750.00      0.01875      2500.00         36.1      3000.00         47.4      0.00254      0.00228      0.00341
     3250.00      0.01985      3000.00         47.4      3500.00         59.8      0.00297      0.00257      0.00393
     3750.00      0.01972      3500.00         59.8      4000.00         73.0      0.00282      0.00324      0.00430
     4250.00      0.02219      4000.00         73.0      4500.00         87.1      0.00297      0.00425      0.00518
     4750.00      0.02168      4500.00         87.1      5000.00        102.1      0.00322      0.00423      0.00532
     5500.00      0.02200      5000.00        102.1      6000.00        134.2      0.00351      0.00318      0.00474
     8000.00      0.01523      6000.00        134.2     10000.00        288.7      0.00231      0.00276      0.00360
# end of file: True

268 keV

Listing 16 Raw result file for the experimental cross section for the 268.1 keV \(\gamma\) ray in the \((\text{n},~\text{n}')\) reaction on 183W. As shown in Figure 52.
# title: 183W(n, n' gamma[268.1 keV - 183L10L03])
# date: '2024-03-18'
# author: Greg Henning
# reaction:
#   proj: N
#   target: 74-W-183
#   code: 74-W-183(N, INL)74-W-183,PAR,SIG,G
# transition:
#   emitter: 183W
#   gamma energy: 268.1
#   energy unit: keV
#   label: 183L10L03
#   threshold energy: 475.0
#   icc: 1.197E-01
#   initial level:
#     excitation energy: 475.1
#     spin parity: 11/2 -
#   final level:
#     excitation energy: 207.0
#     spin parity: 7/2 -
# columns:
# - title: Neutron energy window, middle of range
#   unit: keV
# - title: gamma cross section
#   unit: barns
# - title: neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: cross section parameter uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section intrinsic uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section total combined uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# number of lines: 16
      650.00      0.00125       500.00          3.2       800.00          6.5      0.00036      0.00053      0.00064
      900.00      0.00504       800.00          6.5      1000.00          9.1      0.00153      0.00095      0.00180
     1250.00      0.00909      1000.00          9.1      1500.00         16.8      0.00137      0.00083      0.00160
     1750.00      0.01506      1500.00         16.8      2000.00         25.8      0.00246      0.00120      0.00274
     2250.00      0.01914      2000.00         25.8      2500.00         36.1      0.00326      0.00166      0.00366
     2750.00      0.02457      2500.00         36.1      3000.00         47.4      0.00334      0.00238      0.00410
     3250.00      0.02644      3000.00         47.4      3500.00         59.8      0.00369      0.00296      0.00473
     3750.00      0.03188      3500.00         59.8      4000.00         73.0      0.00496      0.00349      0.00606
     4250.00      0.03614      4000.00         73.0      4500.00         87.1      0.00512      0.00408      0.00655
     4750.00      0.03627      4500.00         87.1      5000.00        102.1      0.00553      0.00412      0.00690
     5500.00      0.04236      5000.00        102.1      6000.00        134.2      0.00553      0.00364      0.00662
     6500.00      0.04105      6000.00        134.2      7000.00        169.1      0.00606      0.00418      0.00736
     7500.00      0.03734      7000.00        169.1      8000.00        206.6      0.00635      0.00481      0.00797
     8500.00      0.02342      8000.00        206.6      9000.00        246.5      0.00540      0.00691      0.00877
    12000.00      0.00987      9000.00        246.5     15000.00        530.3      0.00187      0.00587      0.00616
    20000.00      0.00923     15000.00        530.3     25000.00       1141.1      0.00453      0.01305      0.01381
# end of file: True

291 keV

Listing 17 Raw result file for the experimental cross section for the 291.7 keV \(\gamma\) ray in the \((\text{n},~\text{n}')\) reaction on 183W. As shown in Figure 54.
# title: 183W(n, n' gamma[291.7 keV - 183L05L00])
# date: '2024-03-18'
# author: Greg Henning
# reaction:
#   proj: N
#   target: 74-W-183
#   code: 74-W-183(N, INL)74-W-183,PAR,SIG,G
# transition:
#   emitter: 183W
#   gamma energy: 291.7
#   energy unit: keV
#   label: 183L05L00
#   threshold energy: 291.7
#   icc: 9.240E-02
#   initial level:
#     excitation energy: 291.7
#     spin parity: 5/2 -
#   final level:
#     excitation energy: 0.0
#     spin parity: 1/2 -
# columns:
# - title: Neutron energy window, middle of range
#   unit: keV
# - title: gamma cross section
#   unit: barns
# - title: neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: cross section parameter uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section intrinsic uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section total combined uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# number of lines: 14
      450.00      0.02377       300.00          1.5       600.00          4.2      0.00394      0.00340      0.00520
      750.00      0.04488       600.00          4.2       900.00          7.8      0.00598      0.00348      0.00692
     1050.00      0.05402       900.00          7.8      1200.00         12.0      0.00966      0.00328      0.01020
     1350.00      0.06419      1200.00         12.0      1500.00         16.8      0.00754      0.00682      0.01017
     1750.00      0.05808      1500.00         16.8      2000.00         25.8      0.01072      0.00481      0.01175
     2250.00      0.05819      2000.00         25.8      2500.00         36.1      0.01005      0.00644      0.01194
     2750.00      0.06040      2500.00         36.1      3000.00         47.4      0.00800      0.01065      0.01332
     3500.00      0.05571      3000.00         47.4      4000.00         73.0      0.00826      0.00953      0.01261
     4500.00      0.05360      4000.00         73.0      5000.00        102.1      0.01082      0.01246      0.01650
     5500.00      0.05216      5000.00        102.1      6000.00        134.2      0.00702      0.01540      0.01692
     6500.00      0.04723      6000.00        134.2      7000.00        169.1      0.00641      0.01916      0.02020
     7500.00      0.03382      7000.00        169.1      8000.00        206.6      0.00619      0.01854      0.01955
     8500.00      0.02175      8000.00        206.6      9000.00        246.5      0.00365      0.02760      0.02784
    12500.00      0.01234      9000.00        246.5     16000.00        584.2      0.00306      0.02497      0.02516
# end of file: True

313 keV

Listing 18 Raw result file for the experimental cross section for the 313.0 keV \(\gamma\) ray in the \((\text{n},~\text{n}')\) reaction on 183W. As shown in Figure 56.
# title: 183W(n, n' gamma[313.0 keV - 183L08L02])
# date: '2024-03-18'
# author: Greg Henning
# reaction:
#   proj: N
#   target: 74-W-183
#   code: 74-W-183(N, INL)74-W-183,PAR,SIG,G
# transition:
#   emitter: 183W
#   gamma energy: 313.0
#   energy unit: keV
#   label: 183L08L02
#   threshold energy: 412.1
#   icc: 1.900E-01
#   initial level:
#     excitation energy: 412.1
#     spin parity: 7/2 -
#   final level:
#     excitation energy: 99.1
#     spin parity: 5/2 -
# columns:
# - title: Neutron energy window, middle of range
#   unit: keV
# - title: gamma cross section
#   unit: barns
# - title: neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: cross section parameter uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section intrinsic uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section total combined uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# number of lines: 17
      600.00      0.02672       400.00          2.3       800.00          6.5      0.00442      0.00269      0.00517
      950.00      0.07293       800.00          6.5      1100.00         10.5      0.01030      0.00485      0.01138
     1300.00      0.10667      1100.00         10.5      1500.00         16.8      0.01313      0.00535      0.01418
     1750.00      0.14149      1500.00         16.8      2000.00         25.8      0.01758      0.00621      0.01864
     2250.00      0.14873      2000.00         25.8      2500.00         36.1      0.02193      0.00674      0.02294
     2750.00      0.14967      2500.00         36.1      3000.00         47.4      0.02165      0.01148      0.02451
     3250.00      0.14811      3000.00         47.4      3500.00         59.8      0.02049      0.01342      0.02449
     3750.00      0.15218      3500.00         59.8      4000.00         73.0      0.01890      0.01466      0.02392
     4250.00      0.15111      4000.00         73.0      4500.00         87.1      0.02046      0.01548      0.02566
     4750.00      0.15122      4500.00         87.1      5000.00        102.1      0.02050      0.01627      0.02617
     5500.00      0.14876      5000.00        102.1      6000.00        134.2      0.01913      0.01559      0.02468
     6500.00      0.13667      6000.00        134.2      7000.00        169.1      0.01960      0.01484      0.02458
     7500.00      0.09646      7000.00        169.1      8000.00        206.6      0.01511      0.02185      0.02657
     8500.00      0.06595      8000.00        206.6      9000.00        246.5      0.01354      0.02488      0.02833
     9500.00      0.04555      9000.00        246.5     10000.00        288.7      0.01003      0.03880      0.04008
    11000.00      0.03796     10000.00        288.7     12000.00        379.5      0.00933      0.03293      0.03423
    16000.00      0.02075     12000.00        379.5     20000.00        816.5      0.00506      0.03126      0.03167
# end of file: True

354 keV

Listing 19 Raw result file for the experimental cross section for the 353.9 keV \(\gamma\) ray in the \((\text{n},~\text{n}')\) reaction on 183W. As shown in Figure 58.
# title: 183W(n, n' gamma[353.99 keV - 183L09L02])
# date: '2024-03-18'
# author: Greg Henning
# reaction:
#   proj: N
#   target: 74-W-183
#   code: 74-W-183(N, INL)74-W-183,PAR,SIG,G
# transition:
#   emitter: 183W
#   gamma energy: 353.99
#   energy unit: keV
#   label: 183L09L02
#   threshold energy: 453.1
#   icc: 1.373E-01
#   initial level:
#     excitation energy: 453.1
#     spin parity: 7/2 -
#   final level:
#     excitation energy: 99.1
#     spin parity: 5/2 -
# columns:
# - title: Neutron energy window, middle of range
#   unit: keV
# - title: gamma cross section
#   unit: barns
# - title: neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: cross section parameter uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section intrinsic uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section total combined uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# number of lines: 6
      700.00      0.01220       400.00          2.3      1000.00          9.1      0.00395      0.00172      0.00431
     1500.00      0.02088      1000.00          9.1      2000.00         25.8      0.00259      0.00184      0.00318
     2500.00      0.02225      2000.00         25.8      3000.00         47.4      0.00353      0.00340      0.00490
     3500.00      0.02401      3000.00         47.4      4000.00         73.0      0.00317      0.00596      0.00675
     5000.00      0.02334      4000.00         73.0      6000.00        134.2      0.00365  31865.90662  31865.90662
     8500.00      0.00594      6000.00        134.2     11000.00        333.0      0.00935  11139.71201  11139.71201
# end of file: True

(n, 2n) results

Then, we present the results of the transitions studied in the \((n,~2n)\) channel (in section (n, 2n) results).

229 keV

Listing 20 Raw result file for the experimental cross section for the 229 keV \(\gamma\) ray in the \((\text{n},~2\text{n})\) reaction on 183W (transition in the 182W isotope.). As shown in Figure 61.
# title: 183W(n, n' gamma[229.3 keV - 182L02L01])
# date: '2024-03-18'
# author: Greg Henning
# reaction:
#   proj: N
#   target: 74-W-183
#   code: 74-W-183(N, 2N)74-W-182,PAR,SIG,G
# transition:
#   emitter: 182W
#   gamma energy: 229.3
#   energy unit: keV
#   label: 182L02L01
#   threshold energy: 6519.0
#   icc: 1.960E-01
#   initial level:
#     excitation energy: 329.4
#     spin parity: 4 +
#   final level:
#     excitation energy: 100.1
#     spin parity: 2 +
# columns:
# - title: Neutron energy window, middle of range
#   unit: keV
# - title: gamma cross section
#   unit: barns
# - title: neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: cross section parameter uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section intrinsic uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section total combined uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# number of lines: 9
     6500.00      0.06613      6000.00        134.2      7000.00        169.1      0.00951      0.00910      0.01316
     7500.00      0.26245      7000.00        169.1      8000.00        206.6      0.03897      0.01471      0.04165
     8500.00      0.50857      8000.00        206.6      9000.00        246.5      0.08370      0.02025      0.08611
     9500.00      0.58062      9000.00        246.5     10000.00        288.7      0.10228      0.03025      0.10666
    11000.00      0.54425     10000.00        288.7     12000.00        379.5      0.09333      0.02709      0.09718
    13000.00      0.54797     12000.00        379.5     14000.00        478.2      0.11671      0.05290      0.12814
    15000.00      0.53738     14000.00        478.2     16000.00        584.2      0.13378      0.07098      0.15144
    17000.00      0.42136     16000.00        584.2     18000.00        697.1      0.10629      0.08091      0.13358
    21500.00      0.18390     18000.00        697.1     25000.00       1141.1      0.05323      0.05675      0.07781
# end of file: True

351 keV

Listing 21 Raw result file for the experimental cross section for the 351.0 keV \(\gamma\) ray in the \((\text{n},~2\text{n})\) reaction on 183W (transition in the 182W isotope.). As shown in Figure 63.
# title: 183W(n, n' gamma[350.99 keV - 182L03L02])
# date: '2024-03-18'
# author: Greg Henning
# reaction:
#   proj: N
#   target: 74-W-183
#   code: 74-W-183(N, 2N)74-W-182,PAR,SIG,G
# transition:
#   emitter: 182W
#   gamma energy: 350.99
#   energy unit: keV
#   label: 182L03L02
#   threshold energy: 6870
#   icc: 5.380E-02
#   initial level:
#     excitation energy: 680.4
#     spin parity: 6 +
#   final level:
#     excitation energy: 329.4
#     spin parity: 4 +
# columns:
# - title: Neutron energy window, middle of range
#   unit: keV
# - title: gamma cross section
#   unit: barns
# - title: neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window low range
#   unit: keV
# - title: neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: Uncertainty on neutron energy window high range
#   unit: keV
# - title: cross section parameter uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section intrinsic uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# - title: cross section total combined uncertainty
#   unit: barns
# number of lines: 10
     6500.00      0.01732      6000.00        134.2      7000.00        169.1      0.00333      0.00760      0.00830
     7500.00      0.07365      7000.00        169.1      8000.00        206.6      0.01483      0.00903      0.01736
     8500.00      0.22388      8000.00        206.6      9000.00        246.5      0.04237      0.01154      0.04391
     9500.00      0.27151      9000.00        246.5     10000.00        288.7      0.04171      0.02036      0.04641
    11000.00      0.25586     10000.00        288.7     12000.00        379.5      0.05109      0.01378      0.05292
    13000.00      0.27826     12000.00        379.5     14000.00        478.2      0.05303      0.02790      0.05992
    15000.00      0.30218     14000.00        478.2     16000.00        584.2      0.07153      0.04176      0.08283
    17000.00      0.23749     16000.00        584.2     18000.00        697.1      0.06014      0.05102      0.07887
    21500.00      0.11883     18000.00        697.1     25000.00       1141.1      0.03126      0.04149      0.05195
    26500.00      0.14363     25000.00       1141.1     28000.00       1352.5      0.03652      0.14004      0.14472
# end of file: True