“Agence nationale de la recherche” ( A French institution tasked with funding scientific research, mostly through project calls.
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery: software development process aimed at streamlining and accelerating a software development lifecycle. A key component of CI/CD methodology is the use of pipeline for compilation, running tests, … The pipeline philosophy has been used in implementing the new analysis code described in Implementation of the Monte Carlo analysis.
Centre national de la recherche scientifique. The French state research organisation.
- CoH3
An “optical model and Hauser-Feshbach theory code, which focuses on the nuclear reaction calculations in the keV to tens of MeV region” [1].
- Creative Commons
Organization that published a set of Open Access licenses (see Creative Commons) with different range of reusability.
The “Comma-separated values” (CSV) format stores tabular data in plain text, using commas to separate values, and newlines to separate records.
CSV files have an extension
and MIME typetext/csv
.- Delco
“Détecteur d’électron de conversion”. A conversion electron detector for in beam \((\text{n},~x\text{n}~e^{-}_\text{conv.})\) cross section studies, developed by the DNR group.
Read reference [2] for more information.
The Data Management Plan is a document that describe what data will be collected during an experiment, how, how it will be stored, used, … The aim is to describe the whole life cycle of the data.
Données Nucléaires pour les Réacteurs The group in IPHC studying \((\text{n},~x\text{n})\) reactions.
A Digital Object Identifier is a unique and persistent identifier for a digital document (whether an article, a thesis, a data set …). Metadata are associated to the
.Getting a
for a document is not automatic. For example, documents deposited on HAL don’t get aDOI
(they get assigned an HAL-Id :hal-nnnnnn
). University library that publish thesis and HDR manuscripts do not give them a DOI either (in general). To get aDOI
for this manuscript, it was first deposited on zenodo, then the DOI can be referred to in other platforms.A
is persistent, meaning that if the original repository changes name, is closed, ... the DOI does not change, even if the document is hosted somewhere else. This allows a document to be available from different places while still being clearly identified as the same across all platforms.- Empire
The Empire Nuclear Reaction Code is (according to the website) an easy-to-use tool for the basic research and evaluation of nuclear data. It is a modular system for advanced modeling of nuclear reactions using various theoretical models.
See reference [3] for more information.
“Evaluated Nuclear Data Files”, a file format for nuclear data evaluation (in particular the ENDF/B series [4] and [5]).
The website ENDF allow research into evaluations, just as Exfor is for research into experimental results.
- ENDF database
The “Evaluated Nuclear Data File” database, hosted by the IAEA allow research of evaluations values for any experimental data for a given reaction on a specified isotope.
Access at:
Its sister service Exfor is dedicated to experimental results.
- Exfor
“Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data”. A database hosted by the IAEA‘s Nuclear Data Service where one can search for any experimental data for a given reaction on a specified isotope.
Access at:
Exfor sister service is ENDF, a website to search into evaluations.
- Fair
The Fair principles are at the core of Open Science and stands for Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse.
- Faster
Fast Acquisition System for nuclEar Research, The acquisition system currently used in our experiments.
- gamma flash
Strong flash of \(\gamma\) rays coming from the neutron production source, in particular at Gelina. At NFS, the \(\gamma\) flash is much weaker.
In our data, its presence allows an accurate time calibration of the events, as well as a reference for the correction of \(\gamma\) ray energy dependent time shifts in the detectors. See also Figure 13 for an illustration.
- Ganil
Grand accelerateur National d’ions lourds. In Caen, France.
- Geant4
A “toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter. Its areas of application include high energy, nuclear and accelerator physics, as well as studies in medical and space science.”
See more information on the website.
- Gelina
“Generalised Nuclear Database Structure”, a file format for nuclear data evaluation, intended to replace ENDF.
Specifications of the format are available on the NEA website.
- Grapheme
GeRmanium array for Actinides PrEcise MEasurements Experimental setup of the DNR group, housed at the Gelina facility.
See Figure 3 in Nuclear Data study program at IPHC and The Grapheme setup.
“Hyper article en ligne” French platform for publication in Open Access However, HAL does not provide a DOI to documents deposited on it.
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.
HTML files have an extension
and MIME typetext/html
The “International Atomic Energy Agency“ is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote cooperation in the nuclear field.
Integrated Development Environment. A text editor that comes with code styling, debugging abilities, …
VS Code and Jupyter Lab are two example of IDEs.
- Ifin-HH
Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucarest, Romania.
- IN2P3
Institut national de physique nucléaire et de physique des particules, now aka “CNRS Nucléaire & Particules”
The insitute of CNRS overseeing the study of nuclear and particule physics.
Institut pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien. CNRS and Université de Strasbourg Laboratory.
- Jeff
Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion (Jeff) Nuclear Data Library. An evaluation from the NEA.
More information is available on the project webpage
- JRC-Geel
Joint Research Center, Geel, Belgium. one of the six scientific sites of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre
- Json
“Json (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write.” (
The Json format is interchangeable with Yaml, and most of the time, equivalent to a Python dictionary.
Json files have an extension
and MIME typeapplication/json
.- License
A legal text that defines the condition of use and reuse of a document, file, data set, article, software, ... (See Distribution licenses.)
“The MCNP®, Monte Carlo N-Particle, code can be used for general-purpose transport of many particles including neutrons, photons, electrons, ions, and many other elementary particles, up to 1 TeV/nucleon.”
More information online.
- metadata
Metadata are data associated with a document. It usually includes the name and affiliation of the authors, a description of the content, …
(See Metadata, metadata, metadata).
Nuclear Energy Agency, an intergovernmental agency of the OECD focused on nuclear safety, technology, and science.
“Neutron For science“. A neutron beam facility at Ganil [6].
The Portable Document Format (PDF), is a file format developed by Adobe in 1992 to produce documents that may include formatted text and images, in a manner independent of application software, or operating systems.
PDF files have an extension
and MIME typeapplication/pdf
.- postprint
Also called Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM). It is the final author version of their paper (i.e. the one accepted by the journal, but processed by the author). It does not include the editor formatting, logo, … This is the version that can be published in Open Access (after an embargo period) for public funded research in France.
- preprint
The preprint is a version of an article manuscript before peer-review. It can be published in Open Access on some platforms (such as HAL or arxiv) before being submitted to a journal.
- Recherche Data Gouv
Recherche Data Gouv ( is a French Government funded repository to deposit Open Data.
Some data from the DNR group (see Case Study: Test data recorded with an LaBr3 detector) have already been deposited on the platform:
- Root
Root is an open-source data analysis framework developed by CERN that is widely used in nuclear physics and high energy particle physics.
Root files have an extension
. No official MIME type is currently recognized, and the.root
files are usually identified as the defaultapplication/octet-stream
. Typesapplication/x-root
have been proposed, but are not registered as of today.- Talys
Talys is a nuclear reaction code for the prediction of reaction cross sections and related quantities. (See Talys.)
- Unistra
Université de Strasbourg. University of Strasbourg.
A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), also known as a web address on the Web, is a standardized string of characters specifying the location of a resource (file, service, …) on a network and how to access it.
The “Extensible Markup Language” (XML) is a markup language and file format for storing organized data. It can be used to store metadata, in particular, when using the DataCite Metadata scheme, as seen in Case Study: Metadata for this manuscript.
Full documentation is available at
XML files have an extension
and MIME typetext/xml
.- Zenodo
Zenodo ( is a general-purpose open repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN.